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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  April 19, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> if this ash is too thick to fly, we're not going to fly. but we need to determine if it is too thick to fly. >> you can't just take a few test flights and say everything is fine. >> some airport, some routes, certain altitudes, to reopen tomorrow morning. in the usa, the faa agreed. >> trying to get to france, anywhere in france. >> airlines are losing over 12 million an hour. >> we're looking at $12.5 billion in the last five days. >> it's a global economic crisis that the world hopes is dying down. >> it's dark over there, much harder to monitor the volcano.
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eruptions may have picked up again. sot optimism and a rescheduling of a few flights in europe may have to be revisited. back to you. >> thank you. steve handlesman reporting. meanwhile, scores of passengers trying to leave our area for europe have also been stranded for days now. travelers were scrambling to book flights out of dallas airport. those who can't leave are having other problems. most local hotels are not allowing flyers to extend their room reservations. more on how travelers stuck here are improvising at dulles coming up at 6:30. it happened last month monday at bethany lane. maryland state police say the person responsible for the road rage incident was driving a
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white truck, like the one seen in the picture here. that truck had the numbers 5 and 7 on the hood in silver. anyone with information about this is asked to call the police. >> classes resumed to do at the charlotte middle school. but they begin without the princip principal. brian betts was 42 years old, hailed as a hero in the public school system. they found him shot and killed in his home in silver spring last thursday. tonight, investigator res vealed new clues about the crime. ''unidentified civilians remove boxes of items. colleagues found the 42-year-old popular high school principal shot to death in an upstairs bedroom last thursday. since then, investigators have learned more about the last hours of betts' life.
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>> we know he was alive up to about 11:30 wednesday night. >> they're filling in the time line on that discovery. >> we believe that far was abandoned april 16 in the early portion of the afternoon. two subjects were seen to be leaving that vehicle. >> flowers and a small statue of an angel. more memento, condolences and grief. >> mr. betts was like a father to me. you know, he always been there. he helped me when i needed help. through work, problems, anything. >> personally, he was my own mentor. it was my second year. and he hired me and he led me through my first couple of years. i can't imagine the school without him.
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>> now, while police are saying they're operating on the theory that this is not a random climb crime, at this point, they say they're not ruling anything out. we're live in silver spring. jim, back to you. a frostburg state university student is accused of shooting one student and wounding another. tyrell hall said he shot the two men after they lunged at him. police say there was a fight early sunday morning. 20-year-old brandon carroll of waldorf was killed and another student from southeast d.c. was hurt. carroll's former high school coach says the community is devastated by his death. of. >> it was difficult. and knowing his mom and his family, i can't even imagine what they're going through. i know just texting and listening to some of the other ballplayer and the classmates, they're hurting as well. >> tyrone hall is being held without bond on murder and assault charges. the other student who was
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injured is expected to make a full recovery. >> there was a gas leak -- or they thought there was -- that disrupted classes this morning. at about 7:30, people inside the school in gaithersburg reported smelling gas on the third floor. about 1,800 students were evacuated. firefighters and the gas company went in. they looked for the source of the leak and a couple of hours later said they couldn't find one. the all clear was given. they'll return to the school this evening to look again. the scheduled return for space shuttle discovery was skrapd today because of bad weather. the crew members will spend an extra day in orbit. better weather is expected tomorrow. so nasa ask confident that discovery will be able so land, if not in florida, they'll try the backup landing site in southern california.
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>> toyota plans to issue a brand-new recall on the heels of paying a big fine for its previous recalls. toyota is expected to recall its 2010 lexus gx-460 suv. it becomes almost a week after consumer reports gave them a don't-buy rate citing a high rollover risk. toyota has suspended sales of the gx-460. today, toyota agreed to pay a record $16.4 million fine for failing to report the fas pedal problems that led to the recall of more than 2 million vehicles earlier this year. a new survey done finds just 22% of those questioned say they can trust washington almost always or most of the time. 43% say the government has a negative impact on their lives. just 19% are content with the
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government, with about 8 in 10 says they don't trust the federal government and have little faith that it can solve america's problems. coming up to nigh, protestors can guns at a rally in virginia. >> there are more amazing stories of survival after a deadly earthquake in china. >> a crash killed two local teenagers. we'll find out how it might have been prevented. >> and d.c.'s most famous family-owned restaurant could be on the verge of making a major change. >> temperatures this week, we'll be hanging out in the 60s. not bad. i'll tell you about a little bit of rain coming our way for next week. bruce allen talking redskins draft strategy. denny hamlin likes to race on monday. plus, who's going to start in goal for the capitals tonight? we're going to have a presure from montreal coming up when
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somewhere in america... there's a home by the sea powered by the wind on the plains. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life. and there's a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day.
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because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers.
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it was on this day in 1993 the branch davidian standoff in waco, texas, came to a fiery end. the branch davidian compound housed nearly 1,000 cult members own dozens of their children. the fbi launched a standoff that lasted for 51 days before the compound burned from the ground. the government claims people of the cult started the fire.
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22 children, four atfes at and 80 cult members were killed in the ordeal. the u.s. military in iraq says two al qaeda leaders are dead in a joint operation, u.s. and iraqi forces allegedly killed two heads of the organization. the military said they were killed during a nighttime raid on their safe house. the commander of u.s. forces in iraq says the deaths could be the biggest blow to al qaeda since the start of the insurgency. >> there was a protest by gun owners who want law makers to stop infringing on their right to bear arms. >> we have the first and second amendment right for a reason.
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>> i'm here today in support of my constitution. >> i think that guns are dangerous in the hands of criminals. in the hands of train law-abiding citizens, i think they're an excellent thing. >> they are self-described patriots who believe washington is chipping away at their stoount constitutional rights. we're coming to fire you this fall. we don't want you working here. >> for the first time at a protest like this, firearms were allowed on national park grounds. thanks to a law signed by president obama. though demonstrators couldn't carry their weapons on the washington monuments grounds, washington's one-time gun ban has been whittled down by the supreme court. and the gun control fight has all but fallen off the legislative radar screen. >> gun rights advocates really don't have anything to fear
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right now. they should be celebrating, rather than being concerned about their gun rights. >> but those protestors say they're not letting down their guard. and not giving up their guns without a fight. >>'. >> pressuring law makers to close so-called gun show loopholes. a new bill would require background checks on people who try to buy weapons at the gun shows. the measure was introduced a year ago. the virginia tech families took out a full-page ad in the "richmond times" newspaper today urging senators to support the measure. gun rights advocates are opposed to it. >> the 2010 census is bringing up a controversy on racial identity in the united states. census officials say they expect the number of people describing themselves as biracial to increase from the last census ten years ago, but some with one black parent and one white
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parent are choosing to only check off black. that inkwluds president obama. an official with the naacp says those responses signify that being black in the united states may be more of a political and social construct than it is a biological reality. 35 million people describe themselves as black alone in 2000 census, while 7 million said they were biracial. the stock market largely poegsed gains today after friday's selloff. the dow gained 73 points today to close at 11,092. the s&p 500 rose five point and the nasdaq lost one point today. the day started out pretty slowly amidst concerns over the government's civil fraud charges against gold man sachs, but a jump in some leading economic indicators fuelled a rally later in the day. >> president obama is going to new york city this week to push for a financial overhaul package. on thursday, the president will speak at cooper union, a college
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located just a few blocks from wall street. the address marks a year since the president first outlined his ideas for reform and two years since the financial market meltdown. >> the state of maryland had more job gains than any other state in the month of march. maryland picked up 36,000 new jobs. that's first increase in more than 32 years. also, the biggest increase with an average monthly gain of about 2,000 the past ten years. despite the growth, the state's unemployment rate remained at 7.7%. that's below the average of 9.7%. the carry-on fee
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controversy. will other airlines start to charge more for your bags? >> ewe'll introduce you to some unusual visitors at the white house today. >> and a check on the weather forecast. if i had to sit on a bench during the middle of a game
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due to diabetes it would frustrate me. in a basketball game a couple minutes could mean a big momentum shift. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to be able to look at my highs and lows to make sure that my diabetes is being controlled as tightly as possible. with my bayer meter i don't miss valuable game time. i'm alana burns and staying in the game is my simple win. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer.
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today a couple of miracles. a 4-year-old child and a 68-year-old woman were rescued.
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they were trapped when their mud brick house collapsed during the quake last week. the little girl and the older woman were pinned under a bed. relatives kept them alive by using bamboo poles to push food and water through gaps? the debris for all that time. >> wow. parts of northern india are experiencing an intense and deadly heat wave. temperatures have topped the 115-degree mark. officials decided to close schools in the area afterparents complained about their children fainting due to the extreme temperatures. makes our weather seem pretty tame by comparison. we've got sunshine, the potten is a little better. veronica, are things going to continue to look up around here? >> they will. if you would like conditions to be more like spring, this week will be the first week with highs in the mid to upper 60s. as we take a look at conditions across the area today, wasn't it beautiful? we had the sunshine a little bit of a wind, too.
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a cool start we had at 46 degrees. when you take a look, you'll see all week long, we have highs in the 60s. currently at ronald reagan national airport, as we take a look at kroisz the area, with the wind blowing, it's going to slacken during the overnight period. it's going to be easing a bit. the wind going almost calm by tomorrow morning. so a clear sky with a temperature of 66 degrees. northwest wind at 12. and there were lots of locations especially north, starting out at, 35 degrees. there were some even some freeze warn pgs across the shenandoah during the overnight period. well, this time it's a frost advisory. and it's for warren county into page county. rockingham and augusta. as well as shenandoah county. west, frost advisory, up north,
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pennsylvania, southern areas of pennsylvania. the light winds, as high pressure moves in. you can see the clear skies. down through virginia, we've only had a few high clouds come through the area today. so mostly clear conditions here. we'll have more sunshine coming your way tomorrow, but not by midweek. we've got a storm system for midweek. at 43 degrees starting out, you're likely to start your morning tomorrow at about 44. and about 39. up about one or two degrees. the morning temperature in montgomery county, around gaithersburg, your high today was 66 and 64 degrees now. not necessarily here across the nation. 81 degrees currently and 85 in phoenix.
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relatively cool conditions. high heat is going to move in. showers coming our way about midweek. through areas of florida, cape canaveral seeing the showers and storms, delaying the landing of space shuttle discovery. and see the system there coming through arkansas, areas of mississippi. that's the low pressure system that will be scooting this way, giving us some showers by midweek. i think about noontime. there's some high clouds across the area coming our way through tomorrowxd morning and througho the day. that's tuesday late, again, a mostly sunny day as a whole. partly cloudy to mostly cloudy on wednesday. showers developing about noontime and continuing up until about midnight. for your evening, skies mostly clear. sunset at 7:49.
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we'll drop from 62 to 55. winds easing up. cool conditions to start the day tomorrow. so jacket definitely needed. 40 to 46, just as cool as it was this morning. then for tomorrow, very spring-like conditions, with a high just shy of the 70-degree mark. for earth day, activities going on, sunshine across the area, getting back close to 70 degrees. but again, only about a quarter inch of rain on wednesday with a little bit of a cooling down. then 66 for friday. it looks like the system that comes your way, one to two inches of rain that ch could be with us into the early part of next week.
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>> volcanic ash over europe has shut down many of the airports there. one of the people stranded, if you will, is our very own liz crenshaw. she's in london, and i'm sure you're going to tell us, liz, this is not your fault and you're really trying to get back here as you've been meaning to for the longest time. but you're just stuck, right? >> well, i know you miss me terribly. >> liz, one of the problems that people have with the airlines whenever there's a problem is that they don't talk to you. they won't tell you anything. are you at least getting any information from the airlines over there? >> no. the difficult thing about this jim, we landed thursday of last week and as soon as we touched down, basically they shut the air space because of the volcano. we had no idea obviously what had happened.
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most of it is about all the britainings trying to get back here, not so much about us trying to get out. but what's amazing is, the systems that have been set up to make thing works on a normal day like 800 numbers or websites where you can check on thing, as soon as millions of people all need it all at once, guess what? >> they shut down. >> that's right, they don't answer. you get, you know, you get trey try again later. this particular website full. we can't process your request. so anything to edesperately needing information, it's just really, really difficult. we just found out our flight tomorrow has been canceled, even though the airport will open tomorrow night. and we have no way to know how we're going to be able to rebook because we can't get through to anybody. and the website won't respond to us because it's full. >> have you been to the airport
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yet? i mean, are you hearing from any other people who are stuck and trying to get out? if they're having similar experiences to you? >> well, the interesting thing to us is we got out of dodge, as you see. we ent to north york shire on the holiday we were supposed to be taking to visit my daughter. i'm on the airport grounds now at hotel. there are plenty of people here. there are people that are, you know, sort of sleeping at the airport as well waiting for it to reopen. now they're talking about it opening tomorrow evening. i think there is a glimmer of hope. unfortunately you end up in a queue of people who have already been there since thursday. we don't know. we spent all day sunday booking a chunnel ticket and trying to get a rail ticket from paris to madrid because madrid is the only place that can book us out and guarantee us to the states but now we can't get a rail ticket between paris and madrid because we can't get through to that website. >> it really messed up your vacation. >> all right.
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we're sorry you're struggling liz, but we thank you for sharing with us what you're experiencing over there. >> it's been difficult for lots and lots of folks. the only good thing is we're safe and sound. we just don't know when we're going to get home. hang in there, carry on, cheerio, whatever. coming up, the sex scandal at a local swim club. >> plus, we'll tell you about the deadly consequences of texting behind the wheel. >> and also more about the ripple effect of that volcano in iceland. . >> lind czarniak in montreal. alex ovechkin has them talking but not about his play on the ice. that and more on the goaltending switch coming up in sports. >> good afternoon. as we travel around the region this evening, i should say, 95 southbound, the earlier major accident at 32 finally has been cleared. delays still remain. slow go out of baltimore towards the capital beltway.
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the inner loop still a little congest congested, as you can see. it's going to be clowe sloe as you approach 270. delays are quickly easing around town. hov is going to be the worst of it for you. right after one of the hov merge, the pace improves, and then you get a clean bill of health. stay tuned.
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two teenagers were killed in an accident in spotsylvania county over the weekend. that tops our story the next half-hour. the two were in a van that crashed into a tree along highway 1. julie ca julie carey has more now. >> travis was a wrestler and a football player. his coach sent his jersey home with his fae. his father and brother remember the forceful personality that led a 5'4" man to become the captain of his football team. >> he was a go-getter. if there was something he wanted, he would go after it. >> ever since he was young, he
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liked to play sports. everything he did, he tried to do it to a tee. >> also killed, travis' close friend, 16-year-old terrell carroll. the junior was in the percussion section of the band. he was remembered as very well liked as classmates. travis stewart was driving northbound on route 1. state police don't yet know what caused him to lose control of his vehicle and strike the tree. his father worries texting might be to blame. >> this has been a big factor. i know he loved to text. >> school officials say counselors have been meeting
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with students at both high schools today. banners have also been hung in both buildings so students can sign them in honor of travis and terrell. >> the principle said so many students filled up the banner he had to bring in another. in spotsylvania county, julie carry, news 4. >> funeral services for terrell ka carroll will be held on friday. services for travis stewart will be on saturday. police in houston, texas, are looking for the person who open fired at a party at texas southern university. one student with ties to our area was killed. police say somebody fired ten shots into the crowd and mcmackel was hit in the back. he died at the hospital. another student was hit in the ankle. more now on the local
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impact, flight restrictions were eased throughout europe today. but a new ash cloud has started to spread over the continent late this afternoon, which is terrible news for airlines and thousands of passengers who have been stranded at airports, including dulles airport, and jane watrel has more. it's day five of being stranded in america for this family from london. >> it's been very good, but it's getting to the stage where we ould like to be back home now. >> reporter: the party of eight is packing up two rental cars to find a new place to stay. the dulles hotel they've used as a base since thursday is booked. >> if you don't have a flight to go back home, we can't go back home till maybe next monday, 26 of april. >> reporter: since thursday a
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cloud of ash from an icelandic volcano has crippled air travel to europe. less than 1/3 of flights are operating. at the british airways counter, passengers are scrambling for a midnight flight to scotland after an unexpected stay in the u.s. >> how can i get mad at a volcano that's erupted for the second time in about 200 years. i mean, it's just one of those things that happens. such is life. >> reporter: but many are home sick and are tired of being homeless like this mother of two who just wants to hug her children. she's spending a sixth day waiting to get on a flight. >> it's within a bit frustrating. my children are at home waiting for me. just want to get home quick as i can. >> reporter: others say just getting anywhere in europe is good enough for them. london resident rachel mcculsky lounges in the sun waiting for an evening flight to madrid. >> what can you do? it's a volcano. the most frustrating thing is
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not being able to make a choice. because you just don't know whatever you choose, you could be stranded in madrid. i might be stranded in madrid now. >> reporter: there's no word as to when flights will fully resume, but the international air transport association reports that carriers are losing $200 million a day. reporting live from dulles airport. i'm jane watrel. only about 8,000 of the 20,000 fligh fligh flights scheduled will happen today. >> airlines are not going to follow the lead of another airliner. spirit airlines recently announced lit start charging passengers for overhead bins. there were some concern other airlines would follow suit. but five of the nation's biggest announced yesterday they will not do so. they're american, delta, yooind united, us airways and jetblue. new york senator charles sumer applauded that move yesterday. he and several other democratic senators support a bill that would tax airlines that charge fees for carry-on bags.
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coming up on news 4, you mieg might not have to go to u street to check out ben's chilly bowl. we'll explain. >> and with we're looking back at a home grown terrorist attack 15 years lat
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>> little breezy, a little cool. more what you would expect in april. sunset today at 7:49. the pollen count at 114 grains per cubish meter. oak makes up 86 of that. what's left, 20 some, close to 30 grain per cubic meter. that's sycamore, pine, mulberry, ash and birch taking up the rest of that. temperatures across the areas. 67 degrees in chantilly and around reston. we'll drop to 57, 54 by 11:00 p.m. and midnight. then to start your day tomorrow at 5:00 a.m., just a few high clouds, 47 to 46 by 7:00 a.m. sun is up tomorrow at 6:5. we'll have the highs getting close to 70 degrees in and
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around d.c. some of the cool spots there, annapolis towards st. mary's. 62 to 64. then 63 in warrenton. our winds tomorrow will be out of the north. then shifting to a more southerly direction by the afternoon. sunshine tomorrow, your rain comes midweek on wednesday. there is a 30% chance now. so scattered shower, probably starting about noontime and ending about midnight. thursday and friday, we're dry, but there's the rain going into the first part of next week. right now, some of the early indications are showing that we could pick up between one to two inches of rain. >> the anacostia has become very polluted over the years. deforestation, urbanization and erosion have added to problems. the new plan consists of 3,000 projects. expected to cost $1.7 billion altogether.
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part of the plan would put the river on a trash diet, setting pollution limits like those developed for the chesapeake bay. >> it is absolutely incumbent upon us to take strong action to nurse it back to health. funding for the project will be split among federal, state and local partners. proceeds from the 5 cent grocery bag tax also goes towards cleaning up the anacostia river. thursday will mark the 40th anniversary of earth day and the commonwealth of virginia is working to recognize it. the governor is moving forward with efforts to conserve open space. the state is also working to protect the chesapeake bay and establishing virginia as a green
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job zone. >> a washington institution might be stretching out. ben's chili bowl on u street in the district for a long time might be considering franchising. the restaurant has been family owned for 51 years. the founder ben ali died last fall. two of his sons run the business, and they've already enlarged the original restaurant. they line signed a licensing deal. and now they're reportedly considering opening franchises. experts advise the brothers that they must be able to replicate the food and the culture of the original ben's chili bowl in order to be successful. what you glot, dot, dan? >> i know. we're all hungry after watching that. >> we'll tell you all about that. the redskins will not rule out
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drafting a quarterback. yerk i'm serious. plus a monday finish for nascar. it was a hot affair for this guy. news 4 at 6:
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somewhere in america... the slightest breeze harbors immense power.
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the tallest buildings leave the lightest footprints. a fifty-ton train makes barely a mark on the environment. and a country facing climate change finds climate solutions. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. to the verizon center, to montreal then down here, right? >> if we can have a playoff that way, we'll be golden. the cats in montreal for games three and four, their best of seven series with the canadiens. their biggest question going into tonight's game.
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full pulled it out in game two. played so well during the playoffs last year. this has been something we've been talking about for days now. lindsay czarniak is in montreal where she has the answer to that and a lot more. a chance to come back and play in his former arena. the place known as the yankee stadium of the nhl. he played the best games of his career. he was named league mvp back in 2002. but now he finds out varlamov will get the start. we said okay, what do we do? and we decided okay, this is what we're going. >> he's an experienced guy.
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he knows what he has to do. it's not that he's playing bad, but what are we going to do, it's play for the team, play for results. yesterday, alex ovechkin told reporters that varlamov's arm was shaking, he was nervous. >> i don't think the arrow was too shaken. goalies will let him go. whatever they say, it's up to them. >> whatever he saw, he saw. it makes the games entertaining. it's definitely something that stirs it up. >> you can sense they're trying to get into his head and try to mess with his mind.
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a key word like that isn't going to alter him. >> that's josh georges making light of alex ovechkin's comment. >> they looked fresh, they appeared loose. and they hoped that they have the edge tonight on the road against montreal. in bell center, i'm lindsay czarniak. back to you. you think he's going to skate by there, their goalie tonight and maybe, i don't know. shaking or something? >> i've been impressed when they've been able to shut him down. the other guys really have to step up. they're on him like, you know whey mean? >> they shut out obi completely. what about some of the other caps players who aren't as well known.
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>> i'm matt bradley, number 10. and my teammates call me brad. scoring two goals in the playoffs against the rangers. i want to share it with family and friends. the most unique characteristic of bruce boudreau is his ability to motivate players. i'm best known for keeping the dressing room light. >> that was matt bradley. it looks like there will be some kind of suspension for ben roethlisberger. nfl commissioner roger goodell says roethlisberger did violate the league's personal conduct policy and he will be announcing a punishment for the super bowl
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winning quarterback very soon. meanwhile, redskins sign wild receivers marcus haggins and roy williams. they also sign defensive lineman howard green. the redskins hold the fourth overall pick. donovan mcnabb and the coaching staff had the first minicamp over the redskins park this weekend. the redskins add another quarterback. the skins brass has done due diligence. and this guy from notre dame. you have to think bruce allen and company the fourth overall pick since mcnabb is here. right, bruce? >> there's going to be a nice cheer that we selected donovan mcnabb this year.
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we've evaluated the players based on the redskins board. >> i feel like i have been saying it about that man since he got back in town. he is the master of saying nothing, you know, but he can do it for an hour. and that's exactly what they have to do in the situation. they're playing poker. >> you can't expect him to tip their hand right now, not with the draft coming up. >> talking nascar right now, folks. denny hamlin loves monday finishes. hamlin wins a rain delayed race on monday. to make it more impressive, he wins this one after having surgery for a torn acl. let's go down to texas motor speedway. both postponed until today. once things got started it was hot. he blows an engine and his car
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is engulfed in flames. 18 laps to go. gets really interesting. if you try to go four wide in nasc nascar, good things generally happen. a bunch of guys involved. jeff gordon, joey langano. i just didn't see you, dude. i'm sorry. i got right into the back of you. our day is over. driving for former redskins coach joe gibbs. he just had surgery on the torn acl. i can't imagine sitting in a car. >> those dudes are tough, man. >> very. >> coming up, 97 american heroes today. and some visitors at the white house who got some sp
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there's a public memorial today. 15 years ago, 168 people were killed in the oklahoma city bombing. that blast was the worst domestic terrorist attack in american history. jay gray has our report.
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15 years ago, terror wasn't a catch phrase or even a concern. and then this happened. >> eventually, something must fill the silence that comes with loss. >> alvin jay justice. >> today, hundreds gathered in downtown oklahoma city to honor the victims of the bombing at the murrah federal building. >> kay dotson. >> 168 died in the attack. 19 of them children. >> anthony christopher cooper ii. we've come here to remember those who were killed. >> we have chosen strength, we have chosen optimism, we have
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chosen freedom and we have chosen to move forward together. >> each step in that journey, taken. with the memory of that day. >> kimberly clay character. >> with the memory of those gone. >> sergeant benjamin laronzo davis. >> never again. never forgotten. >> jay gray, nbc news. tonight on "nightly news" with brian williams, audiotapes in the oklahoma city bombing will be herd publicly for the first time. pete williams has a special report about the taped confessions of convicted bomber timothy mcveigh. that's tonight at 7:00. >> there was a tribute today to 97 american men and women who served in the vietnam war and who died prematurely as a result of that service. their names are not among the 58,261 names inscribe the on the
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vietnam vets memorial on the wall in the mall. only those who died in combat can be included of those wall. families of the 97 veterans say their deaths are due to physical or emotional wounds they sust n sustained in vietnam. it's for them the vietnam veterans memorial foundation created in memory day. finally tonight, a family of ducks was spotted on the grounds of the white house today. the family appears to be a mother and at least six ducklings. they were seen outside the white house briefing room today. they appeared to be trying to navigate a set of steps which apparently is not so easy when you're young and duckling sized. don't you know what? they made it. each one of them. mom did not help out. it was like, you've got tot grow up one of these days. it night as well be now. d


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